
Government Measures that Could Support Women in Tech Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic

05/12/20 Update: Congress continues to push greatly-needed relief measures forward with the passage of its fourth spending package. The latest bill to be signed by the President included $380 billion total in additional funding for small businesses, as well as for hospitals and disease testing. The additional spending for small businesses was considered urgent after the “Paycheck Protection Program,” which was passed in the CARES Act, ran out of funding…

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Supporting Paycheck Fairness for Equal Pay Day 2020

Tuesday, March 31 marks this year’s Equal Pay Day, the day that the average woman has finally earned what her male counterpart did in the previous calendar year for the same work. The timing of this day is a stark reminder that 57 years after the passage of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, women…

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Congressional Day of Action Addresses Challenges Women and Underrepresented Entrepreneurs Face

On Wednesday, February 12, AnitaB.org partnered with Envolve Entrepreneurship to host a Congressional Day of Action focused on strategies for inclusive entrepreneurship. The event, “Realizing the American Dream & Redefining Inclusive Entrepreneurship,” convened senior policy makers, AnitaB.org PitcHER™ finalists, Envolve Award USA grantees, and stakeholders in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.  The main event of the Day…

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Appropriations 101: What are Appropriations and Why Do They Keep Shutting the Government Down?

Let’s start at the top — Congress is constitutionally guaranteed the “power of the purse.” This means that every year, it’s up to Congress to determine how tax dollars get allocated to all of the government’s federal expenditures, from Medicare to public schools, and from maintaining U.S. embassies abroad to dairy farm subsidies. When it…

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Data Collection First Step in Promoting Women in U.S. Patents

Women comprised only 12% of all inventors named on U.S. patents granted in 2016. In 2018, Congress passed the SUCCESS Act, a law that directed the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to conduct a study and provide recommendations to promote the participation of women, minorities, and veterans in the U.S. patent system. In late…

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Help AnitaB.org Launch New Programs for Women Technologists in 2020

At AnitaB.org, we are dedicated to supporting women in tech and providing them with the resources they need to thrive in their careers. Our goal is to reach 50/50 intersectional tech equity by 2025 and to close the persistent pay gap that exists for women and underrepresented minorities. In order to reach this vital benchmark,…

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