CFP Checklist

Make It Count: The Definitive CFP Checklist

√ Review our FAQ for a comprehensive list of questions and answers.

√ Write down 2-3 main areas of expertise or topics that you wish to speak about.

√ Review our 2024 Tracks, Subtopics and Session Formats.

√ Envision what your session would be like:

  • Speaking alone or with other thought leaders?
  • On stage or in the comfort of your home?
  • Who would be in the audience?
  • What would attendees say about your session?

√ Gather all the required information in coordination with all speakers in your session proposal (See here for full list of CFP questions).

  • Decide on who will be the main point of contact for your session (If you’re reading this checklist, it’s likely you!)
  • Choose a track, subtopic and session that suits your vision.
  • Craft all session information including session title, description, and experience level.
  • Gather biographical and demographic information for all speakers.
  • [Tip] Submit supporting materials for faster consideration of your session proposal.

√ Submit the 2024 India Call for Participation Form before July 26th, 2024 (11:59 PM IST).

√ Keep an eye on your inbox for a decision. Decisions will be sent on a rolling basis.

Your Questions Answered: Comprehensive FAQs

Check out these useful tips designed to help you submit a proposal for a session that will captivate the GHCI community and position you as a thought leader committed to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive future for women and nonbinary technologists. If you have additional questions email us at

Q: When are submissions accepted?

GHCI 24 session submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis. The first round of acceptances will be sent on August 5th, 2024. All decisions will be sent by September 2nd, 2024.

Q: What are sessions at GHCI like?

GHCI brings together the brightest technical minds from all career stages. The national Celebration for 2024 will be virtual and in-person in Bangalore. Catering to everyone from community seekers to knowledge builders, programming focuses on:

> Advancing inclusion & diversity in the tech workforce.
> Sharing technical knowledge & trends.
> Promoting interpersonal and technical skill development.
> Fostering connection building for women and nonbinary technologists.

Q: What makes a session topic great?

Great session topics often stem from a single question or problem and have a clear outcome in mind. If you’ve been grappling with any aspect of your work, rest assured that others have faced similar challenges. Successful sessions address information, skills, behaviors, or perspectives that resonate with a specific person in mind at GHCI, creating an engaging and enriching experience for our diverse community.

Q: What do I need to consider when proposing an additional speaker?

Engaging sessions typically include diverse perspectives – particularly for panels and presentations. All sessions with two or more speakers should consider:

> Gender representation.
> Diverse ethnic backgrounds.
> Geography and professional background of speakers.
> Diverse thought and opinion.
> Effective public speaking skills.

Q: What if I don’t have a session idea, but I’m an experienced speaker and would like to be considered for available opportunities?

You can complete our Call for Participation form as a General Speaker. You will need to provide information about yourself and your area of expertise. This will allow India Event Content team to review your eligibility for our GHCI programming and our organizational annual speaker programming, which includes India Membership and India Local Events.

Q: When do I need to submit my proposal?

You must submit your proposal on or before July 26th, 2024 11:59 PM IST via the Call for Participation form.

Q: What is required for the submission form?

To apply to speak at any India event or program, we require that a point of contact is identified to streamline communications. This person is responsible for collecting all the details of all speakers in the session proposed. There are two primary sections for our annual call for participation, speaker and session information. The speaker section includes questions regarding contact info, biography, photo, previous experiences speaking and other demographic questions. The session section requests details about the session title, description, audience level, track, subtopic and session format specific questions. See here for the detailed list of required and recommended fields within the call for participation form.

Q: What is the proposal review process?

Our goal is to build a program with a mix of practical workshops, culturally focused discussions, and thought-provoking sessions that inspire new ways of thinking for women and nonbinary technologists. Our review process involves a combination of two governing bodies: The India Event Content Team and the India Content Council.

The India Content Council stands as a distinguished assembly of seasoned technical professionals and subject matter experts with a demonstrated commitment and passion towards advancing our organizational mission. Utilizing their previous experience in reviewing GHCI content and technical expertise, the Content Council diligently evaluates the technical robustness and ensures alignment with our overarching objectives.

The India Event Content Team & Council will look for the following when reviewing proposals:

> Relevance to one or more of our core audiences (including: students and early-career product thinkers, established product professionals, news and technology executives, global product thinkers, etc.).
> Advanced technical case studies or skills.
> Innovative and participatory session approach.
> Clearly articulated expected participant takeaways.
> Representation of diversity across speaker diversity, global region, news organization type, etc.

Q: How do I know which career level I fall into when applying to speak at GHCI?

Reflect on your current role and experience. If you are in the early stages with foundational technical skills, you are likely at the Early Career level. Mid-level professionals dealing with operational challenges would be at the Mid-Career level, while those involved in strategic decision-making are at the Senior or Executive levels. You can also refer to the help text in the CFP form itself for guidance.

Q: What are attendees looking for?

Each year, we collect feedback from attendees to improve our program. These were key takeaways from our previous GHCI’s:

> Advanced and/or niche technical knowledge.
> Session content that matches the session description.
> Practical takeaways designed into the session content.
> More diverse representation.